Saturday, July 18, 2015

Work Out 4- Pilates Fix- with pregnancy modifications

DISCLAIMER! I am not a healthcare or fitness professional.  I am a woman who has been pregnant or nursing now for 2 years and has just done lots of research from my doctors and anything that I can find online to try to work out but keep my body and my baby healthy.  These modifications are simply a compilation of that research.  I have modified some exercises, but I did so  just to give others an idea of something that you can do instead.  Feel free to make your own modifications so long as you are keeping your body and baby safe!

I LOVE THIS WORK OUT!!! There are a lot of modifications on this one, but I was completely ok with that.  I seriously loved this work out and would choose this one every day if I could!  Its hard but not like crazy hard, and I really felt like it gave me time to breathe, but it also gave me a good work out.  Seriously my favorite one yet.

Below I have modified some exercises, but I did so  just to give others an idea of something that you can do instead.  Feel free to make your own modifications so long as you are keeping your body and baby safe!  Also, for the sake of seeing it easier while working out, I have simplified many of the exercises as "OK" if an exercise says "OK" that means that I have deemed it safe for pregnancy. However if anything feels uncomfortable, just watch and follow the modifier that Autumn already has in her group.  Some exercises or positions are simply not safe during pregnancy, and those are the exercises that I have modified.

Warm up: OK*

Hundreds: I did the same motion but I didn't lay flat on my back, I sat up more just on my butt and kept my knees bent.
1 Leg Stretch: Same as above- keep motion the same but don't lay flat, sit up at about a 45 degree angle.  If you need the couch or a wall behind you for some extra support that is fine too!
Scissors:  Same motion, but I leaned back on my elbows so I wasn't laying flat on my back.
Leg Lowers: Same motion but with bent knees and laying against a wall or couch or on elbows-just NOT FLAT ON BACK!
Alt. Leg lifts: OK*
Alt. Knee Pulls: OK*
Alt. Toe Taps: OK* (or elbow plank if it is too hard)

C Center:  OK*
C Twist:  OK*
Knee Drivers:  OK*
Two Way Kicks:  OK*
Bicycle Front/Back:  OK*
Mix the Bowl:  OK*
Stir the Pot:  OK*
Double Taps:  OK*

Superman: Same motion but standing
Lift and Rotate: Same motion but standing
Swimming: On hands and knees. Lift right arm left leg at same time, then switch to left arm right leg. Rotate throughout time.
Forearm Plank Hold: OK*
Hip Drop: OK*

Cool Down: OK*

*Whatever Autumn has planned here is, as far as I know, safe for pregnancy.  If what Autumn is doing gets too hard, just watch her modifier.

Don't forget to drink your water and keep your body hydrated!!  And if anything feels wrong to your body, don't do it.  We want it to be tiring to your muscles, but listen to your body and stop if it is telling you to stop.


  1. This is awesome. Pilates is very hard while pregnant. I couldn't do most moves. I guess I'll remove it from my schedule. I'll walk outside instead haha

    Thanks so much for this post

  2. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I love the 21 day fix, been on it for over a year and def. wanted to keep it up during pregnancy ;) took a lot of hard work losing baby weight last hoping this will help keep my weight in better check. The pilates is also my favorite workout but I knew there were definite thank you for taking the time to write them out! Much appreciated :)



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