Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Work Out 6- Dirty 30- with pregnancy modifications

DISCLAIMER! I am not a healthcare or fitness professional.  I am a woman who has been pregnant or nursing now for 2 years and has just done lots of research from my doctors and anything that I can find online to try to work out but keep my body and my baby healthy.  These modifications are simply a compilation of that research.  I have modified some exercises, but I did so  just to give others an idea of something that you can do instead.  Feel free to make your own modifications so long as you are keeping your body and baby safe.

This one is HARD!  It is the work out that has so far mad me the most sore!   But it is completely worth it. Work hard and kill this work out and I know that it will make a difference in your body and in the way that you feel!

Warm-up:    OK*

Alt. Side Lunges:   OK*
Renegade Row:   OK*

Sumo Row:   OK*
Chest Fly Raise:  Do not lay flat on your back!  I leaned against the couch or you can use the wall to keep you up at a 45 degree angle and only did the upper body movements.

Squat Lat. Raise:   OK*
Tricep Kickback:   OK*

Side Bend:   OK*
Side Plank Raise:   OK*
Cool Down:    OK*

*Whatever Autumn has planned here is, as far as I know, safe for pregnancy.  If what Autumn is doing gets too hard, just watch her modifier.

As you can see there is only one exercise that needed modifications.  Great work out!  Work hard and keep going!  This can be a great deal for you and everyone involved.  Just think- It is only 3 weeks of your life to change everything. 3 weeks.  You can do this!   

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