Thursday, September 3, 2015

After 6 weeks of 21 Day Fix while pregnant

Ok, so here are the long awaited after pictures along with all of my stats. I did two rounds before I actually took the pictures and stats, so these are actually 6 weeks apart rather than just 3.

Take a look at that sexy mama!!  haha Clearly I have gotten bigger since my before picture.  Which honestly I am SUPER happy about!  Because guess what... I'm pregnant.  And I need to gain weight, and my baby needs to grow nice and big!  I haven't gained a ton of weight, but I am clearly growing and the doctor is very happy with how things are going for me this pregnancy!


Chest:                34 / 34        
Right arm:      10.5 / 10.25  
Left arm:           11 / 11        
Waist:                31 / 33------ Woah baby!!
Hips:                 38 / 36.5      
Right thigh:      21 / 19.75   
Left thigh:      20.5 / 20        

Total inches:   166 / 164.5  
Weight:           125 / 128      

So there you have it!  I LOST an inch and a half!  Even though I gained 2 inches around my belly alone!  I really love this program and would highly suggest it to anyone looking to have a healthy pregnancy!  Please let me know if you are interested in giving it a try for yourself!!  You can message me on facebook using the link to the right, or you can email me directly at

Monday, August 17, 2015

Shakeology- what is it?

Ok, so the thing is, I could give you all of the nutritional facts about the product. And at the end of this post I will just in case you are a nutritional pro and you want to see all the ingredients and compare them to other products that you might love. However, if you are like me, the first thing that I wanted to know was what friends thought about the product and how it worked for them.  So first, I will post my thoughts about the product, and after that I will give you all the specific info.

Here is the truth.  I ordered Shakeology on automatic home delivery because I wanted to try it so that I could better sell it.  When I got it, I drank it mixed with water and I also tried it with milk.  It was ok,  but I wasn't looking forward to drinking it every day. And honestly that was putting a positive spin on it.  I got the chocolate flavor, which I heard was the best kind. 

While it wasn't my favorite tasting thing in the world, I was noticing a difference in my moods and energy levels.  I am 25 weeks pregnant and this pregnancy has been hard!  Chasing a one year old around while battling the exhaustion and emotions that come with pregnancy is no easy feat!  My poor hubby has been very sweet and understanding, but I have definitely had my fair share of tears.  I am not trying to claim that Shakeology is some sort of miracle worker, but I have noticed that my mood swings have improved greatly since being on it!  Other things that I have noticed since drinking the drink: clearer skin, thicker hair, more energy, regular bowel movements, and a little more gas... I know that is WAY TMI.  But I just thought I would be honest!  Again, I am not claiming that all of these changes are due only to the fact that I have been drinking my shakes, because I do understand that many other factors contribute, especially when pregnant!  But these are the things that I have noticed.  Now to get over the taste.

I talked to my amazing coach about what I needed to do to make it taste a little bit better and she suggested to put about 4 oz of milk, 1/2 a frozen banana, a spoonful of peanut butter, and some ice.  Blend it all up and literally- DELICIOUS!   I can honestly say that I can't imagine stopping this shake.  I know that it isn't for everyone, but I also know that it has been an AMAZING supplement for me. 

Now, onto the technical stuff.  Here is a list of the top ingredients in the shake, and what they do and how they benefit us.

Protein and Essential Amino Acids – Whey Protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey which is the liquid part of milk that separates during cheese production. Proteins are the building blocks of the human body. Proteins found in whey are very high quality if you choose the right product and are loaded with essential amino acids. – We must get our amino acids from our food. Protein breaks down into amino acids which make up pretty much all of the solid matter in our bodies.
Probiotics – GOOD bacteria. Supports gut health.
Prebiotics – food for probiotics.
Digestive Enzymes – enzymes that break down our food into nutrients so that our bodies can absorb them.
Antioxidants – Fight the oxidation process, a chemical reaction that can cause damage to many cells in your body.

Protein Blend – Explained before – either whey or plant based. Essential to the immunity and muscle growth of our bodies, also provides essential amino acids.
Flaxseed – Omega 3 essential fatty acids (good fats) great source of fiber, plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities, benefits heart, may reduce risk of cancers and diseases.
Chia Seed – Concentrated food, omega 3 fatty acids, protein, carbs, calcium, fiber and antioxidants.
Quinoa – Mother of all grains, rich in protein, essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. Regulates digestive system, reduces risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, colon cancer and obesity.
Amaranth – Grain, similar to quinoa. High in fiber, protein, and lysine. Anti-inflammatory, prevents against cancer, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Also has essential vitamins, minerals and boosts immunity. Helps prevent grey hairs!!!

Cacao – “The food of the gods” Stimulant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and protects cardiovascular system. To name a few benefits!
Maca – This root is rich in vitamin B, C and E. High in calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, amino acids and phosphorus. Known to boost energy and sexual function. Helps balance mood, clears skin and boosts overall mood.
Pea Fiber – supplies both soluble and insoluble fibers. Aids in digestion and may also reduce risk of malignant colon disease, heart disease and diabetes.
Yacon – This root is most commonly used as a healthy replacement for sweeteners. Helps regulate blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol, aids in weight loss, and lowers blood pressure, cancer preventative, liver health, digestive health and immunity booster.
Chlorella – Powerful Algae that rids our bodies of toxins, supports hormonal function, good cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
Spirulina – Powerful Algae high in chlorophyll, protein, fatty acids, also contains a pigment which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties where studies have shown it inhibits cancer colony formation!
Acerola Cherry – Fruit very high in vitamin C, many uses from treating scurvy’s to heart disease as well as the common cold or sores. Athletes use this fruit to improve physical endurance.
Chicory Root – This plant eases digestive issues, aids in detoxification, prevents heartburn and bacterial infections, boosts immunity, reduces risks for heart disease, is a natural sedative as well as protects the body against kidney stones.
Camu-Camu – Berry that is known as the densest natural source of vitamin C. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, guards against degenerative brain disease, improves cognitive balance, muscle tone and is a detoxifier. Also prevents cancer, viral and bacterial infections. Promotes eye health and strengthens collagen, ligaments and tendons in the body.
Pomegranate – Most powerful antioxidant of all fruits! Anti-cancer and immune supporting effects, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and other cardiac risk factors. Known to relieve depression and osteoporosis.

Sacha Inchi – This plant is said to promote weight loss, reduce abdominal fat, fight depression, reduce cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease and help with diabetes management.
Astragalus – This root is known to boost immunity, improve your mood, and fight fatigue and stress. Also known as an anti-aging herb!
Bilberry – This fruit is used to improve eye sight as well as to fight chronic fatigue. Also used for, diabetes, osteoarthritis, gout, skin and mouth infections, kidney disease and UTIs.
Blueberry – We all know these are packed with antioxidants, high in fiber and vitamin C. Fight against cancer and ageing as well as heart disease and high blood pressure. Anti-diabetic effects and prevents UTIs from occurring. May help reduce muscle damage after exercise!

Goji Berries – Overall improved wellbeing. UV radiation damage protection, eye health, high in antioxidants, protects cells against cancer, anti-inflammatory.
Spinach – This leafy green is packed with protein, iron, vitamins and minerals. It greatly benefits skin, hair and bone health. Lowering the risk of developing
asthma, cancer, high blood pressure, improving blood glucose control for diabetics.
Acai – This berry is super high in antioxidants, it is known for its healing, immune fighting, and energy boosting benefits. Helps prevent diseases associated with oxidative damage, as well as blood clots. Aids in weight loss and helps with digestive system. Improved libido and mental function are benefits too!
MSM – This is SUCH a crucial nutrient for our bodies. Helps us stay youthful and energetic. Improves complexion, flexibility, increases energy, detoxifies body, accelerates healing process and is an anti-inflammatory.

Ashwagandha – This herb is known to strengthen immune systems after an illness. Stress, fatigue, cognitive function, anxiety, depression are all known to be relieved by consumption of this herb. Lower cholesterol and stabilization of blood sugar and enhanced sexual potency are also benefits.
Cordyceps – This is a fungus that is believed to enhance athletic performance. Many consume this when they want an energy boost.
Kale – One of the most nutrient dense greens, kale contains omega 3, antioxidants, minerals and vitamin C. Vitamin K is an important nutrient in kale that is critical for preventing blood clots. Lower risks of cancers as well as lowering cholesterol levels is known to happen with consumption as well. Also very high in potassium which is linked to reduce blood pressure and reduced risk for heart disease.

Maitake – This mushroom has been used to treat cancer and relieve side effects from chemotherapy. It is also used for HIV/AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, hay fever, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight loss or control, as well as infertility. Great immunity booster.
Reishi – This mushroom is known as the key to immortality. It is an immunity booster and fights off common illness such as influenza, also lung conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Aids in fighting high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
kidney disease, insomnia, stomach ulcers, food poisoning, and herpes pain. Helps aid in stress relief and prevents fatigue.
Luo Han Guo – Known as the longevity fruit, it also is used to treat obesity, heat stroke, chronic cough and sore throats. Many also use this as a natural sweetener.
Himalayan Sea Salt – Contains 84 trace minerals, supports weight loss, detox, and balances hormones.

Citrus Bioflavonoids – Found in living fruits and vegetables, these are a powerful defense against oxidative stress. Aids in the maintenance of blood sugars and is an anti-inflammatory. Reduction of muscle and join pain, as well as faster recovery times for athletes.
Grape Seed – This seed is known to be beneficial to many cardiovascular conditions. Also aids in lowering cholesterol, lower risks of cancers, and helping prevent diseases related to diabetes.
Green Tea – Loaded with antioxidants and nutrients, this tea packs a punch. Treats various diseases, improves brain function and physical performance. Reduced risks of cancer, protects brain, kills bacteria, improves dental health, lowers risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and helps lower your risk of becoming obese.
Rose Hips – Known for its high iron and vitamin content, as well as MANY other vitamins and minerals, these are a shining star in nutritional value. Known to treat rheumatoid arthritis reducing pain, stiffness and inflammation. Lowers respitory issues and boosts immunity. Prevents heart disease, cholesterol issues, as well as reduces risks of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Also has anti-ageing properties.

Schizandra – This shrub is very high in antioxidants, is an immunity booster, aids in detoxification and is known as the longevity herb. Also supports skin health, brain health and activity, combats stress and insomnia. An increase in stamina and sexual health are also known effects of consumption. This berry is also incredible for blood flow and your cardiovascular system.
Tulsi – Germicidal, fungicidal, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties make this such a potent plant! Known to cure a common cold quickly, beats diabetes, cancer and stress, protects heart, dissolves kidney stones, heals respiratory conditions and headaches, and keeps skin glowing, nails and hair healthy and growing.
Cinnamon – This spice coming from the inner bark of a tree is loaded with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon improves factors for heart disease including cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. Beneficial effects on Neurodegenerative Diseases are also known from this spice. May protect against cancer and has a powerful anti-diabetic effect as well as fights bacterial and fungal infections.

Ginkgo – This herb is often used for memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Also used for conditions linked to reduced blood flow in the brain or in the body. Known to improve long distance sight in the eyes and reverse retna damage. Aids in depression, poor circulation, allergies, vertigo, headaches and PMS.
Moringa – This leaf is a powerhouse of nutritional value. It is most commonly known for its natural energy boost. Packs a punch with an outrageous amount of vitamins and nutrients – 90 exactly known to date. Aids in stabilization of blood pressure, the digestive system and used to treat anxiety. Juice from the leaf is used as a skin antiseptic. Leaves are used to treat fevers, bronchitis, eye and ear infections and scurvy. Consumption is also believed to cause increase in a woman’s milk supply when breast feeding.
Stevia – Used as a sweetener, comes from a plant, studies show it can lower blood pressure. May lower blood pressure and help fight diabetes. Studies have shown it has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects as well.

*Many other ingredients are in Shakeology but are not listed above.

I hope that this helps you if you are looking into buying the product.  Let me know if you would like more information!  You can email me at or click on my facebook page on the sidebar!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Cinnamon chips and Fruit salsa!

This Recipe counts as:
1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 tsp (oils), and 2 tsps (coffee section)

Can I just say?  SOO yummy!  I got the basic recipe off the internet and added my own twist and oh my heavens it is seriously delicious! I like to double it and save half of it for the next day. 

WARNING: If your husband is anything like mine, you will need to make a bigger helping.  He said it sounded too healthy for him so he wouldn't like it, but then once it was made and he tried it he ate a TON.  I also think it would be yummy to warm the fruit up a bit next time so I fool myself into thinking its some sort of cobbler.
1 6inch whole wheat tortilla shell
1/2 small apple**
1/2 purple container of frozen strawberries (partially thawed) **
1 tsp of coconut oil
2 tsps of raw sugar (coffee section, max amount for day)
Cinnamon to taste (Free)
Lemon juice to taste (Free)
** You can honestly use whatever fruit you find delicious that day!  
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
  2.  Melt coconut oil in small dish in microwave. Only takes a few seconds!
  3. Mix sugar and cinnamon in a small container. I used the yellow container and it worked well!
  4. Take the tortilla shell and put it on a cutting board. Brush some of the coconut oil onto the tortilla shell until it has a slight coating over the whole shell. Then sprinkle the cinnamon/sugar mixture over the tortilla shell. 
  5. Cut the tortilla into small triangles (chips), and then place on a baking sheet.  I use foil on the baking sheet because it is less cleaning!
  6. Place in the oven for 6 to 8 minutes or until crispy.
  7. While the chips are baking take your partially thawed strawberries and blend them and also dice up your apple into small pieces. Put the diced apples and blended strawberries into a small bowl. Sprinkle over your last teaspoon of sugar and mix. Add Lemon juice to taste. Put the bowl to the side
  8. Once the chips are done, let them cool and then enjoy!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 2- how did I do?

Tuesday: The start of this week was rough.  I get pretty nervous about my little guy inside my belly.  I hope that he gets the nutrients that he needs to grow healthy and nice and big.  I mean, not huge.  But a solid 7 lbs would be wonderful!  So I have been eating healthier, but under doctor's order, I can't be doing the diet full time, and I need to have at least one more (healthy) fatty meal a day.   So I typically choose one meal a day to indulge.  This being said, I'm not having ice cream or anything.  I am having like a big bowl of cereal for breakfast, but even then keeping it to cereal that is healthier, like Honey Bunches of Oats or Mini Wheats is what I have been doing.  So far it has worked out well!

Wednesday:  Today was a pretty great day as well!  I am learning better ways to get myself going each day.  Baby has been waking up earlier, around 8:30 now.  I actually really like that!  I am able to get up, make us some breakfast, and then she is happy and I can get going on my house chores for the day.  Then I can play with my little sweetheart and put her down for her nap.  Her nap time is my chill time.  I just use it to relax. Then when she wakes up we get eat again, cuddle, and when she is ready to play again, its time for the work out!  She doesn't love every second of it, but most of the time she is standing at the tv dancing watching Autumn.  Is has been a wonderful week!

Thursday: Ugh today was HARD!! My belly has been pretty crampy and I cheated.  I had a small scoop of ice cream. It was delicious, but it gave me a tummy ache. Tummy ache on top of cramps equals no bueno.  So no work out for me today.  Then I tried to make a yummy dinner.  I took a meal that I know the hubby loves which is a pasta bake with marinara sauce.  But I made some healthy substitutes.  I used fresh chicken instead of canned, I used whole grain pasta, and rather than Bertolli's 5 cheese spaghetti sauce, but I used just some normal plain marinara sauce and some mozzarella cheese.  I thought it was delicious!  But when Zack had it and I asked him how it was his response was- it wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as normal.  My pregnant emotional mind heard "thanks for the effort babe but you suck at cooking healthy".  I KNOW that isn't what he meant, he is the sweetest.  But it really discouraged me because I wanted him to love healthy food and adjust his diet the same way that I am.  So after I go grocery shopping this weekend my  goal is to find meals that hubby will love as well.

Friday: Bleh!  So much happened today.  But the good news is that I did great on my diet!!  No work out, as my tummy has been in a lot of pain, but I went to the doctor again today and found out that in the last 3 weeks I have only gained 1/2 a pound!! WOOHOO!!  But my belly is still growing quickly.  But I am completely happy with that!  Like I said, I am not looking to lose weight, I know I need to gain it, but I really want to keep the weight gain within healthy amounts so I have less to lose afterwards.  I feel like I'm on my way!

Saturday: This was an AMAZING morning.  I went off and spent the temple alone (what?  I got alone time? Yep thats right!  About 3 hours of it! AMAZING! and also super weird).  Anyways while I was gone I had my cute husband watching the baby.  By the time I came home he had cleaned the kitchen, changed a poopy diaper, and even gone on a run with her and taken her down to a nearby lake where he let he play in the water.  He is seriously the cutest dad.  The rest of the day went well as well except we were out all day shopping and I forgot to pack much food.  So I was STARVING by the time we got home.  Luckily I had some healthy dinner left overs so when my hubby wanted top ramen I had something easy to go to!

Sunday: I love Sundays.  Family time, church, Sunday nap, and no yard work or errands.  Sundays are literally the very best.  I ate well and had a DELICIOUS dinner! I marinated a chicken breast in Basalmic vinaigrette.  Then the hubby grilled them all up while I made some baked potatoes and green beans.  We ate outside on the patio and it was so much fun and so delicious.  We both LOVED the dinner and even little Rylie did!  She is eating more and more and I love it.  I love her.  My little family is the greatest, can't you tell?

Monday: Well that is today.  My little sister comes this evening from Vegas!  I live in Michigan and its her first time flying all alone.  I'm so excited for her!  So I have a LOT to do today.  So far I ate my cereal for breakfast and am excited to get lots done so that I can actually have my cute family together for dinner this evening.  I hope that you all have a wonderful week and stay tuned for some of my recipes this week that are a hit!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Working Out With a Baby

So my first few work outs have been a little rough.  Not because I couldn't do them, but because I have a little 1 year old that is used to all of my attention.  While I try to give her as much as I can, she struggles and whines unless I give her my FULL attention.  This is obviously a struggle when I am working out!  Honestly it breaks my heart to see her so sad like she is.  Take a look at that sad little face.

Another hardship of working out with her is that she thinks that any time that I am not standing or moving around it it time to crawl on me! Here are some pictures of her distracting me with her climbing on me.  She knows I'm a sucker for her kisses, no matter how slobbery they are.  So she sucks me in with kisses and then climbs all over me.

Seriously I love this girl so much, she gets away with distracting me basically all day long.  And I'm not even really mad about it!  The third distraction that I have found is that when you already have one baby and another on the way and you are still a young person, you may not have your own weight set at home.  Well at least I don't.  And even though I found some at a pretty decent price (they sell up to 8 lb sets at 5 Below which means they are like $5 or cheaper) I honestly don't have the gusto to get out and get to the store to get them.  You know what shopping means now? Shopping means that I have to find time to get ready for the day while baby terrorizes the house, then get baby ready which is fine, I love doing that, then I have to pack her diaper bag if we will be gone during any sort of feeding time, and then I have to lug my pregnant belly around while carrying a wonderfully curious little girl who wants to touch everything and constantly crawl around.  Its just a lot of work.  I will get around to it soon, but until then, here are my at home super high tech weights. (don't mind my post-work out swag I got going on there)

If you can't see it- that is some good old Progresso Vegetable soup.  Although really any caned good works. You can also use your baby if you are insanely strong, but I am not all for that so I am just going to stick with my Progresso.  

So there are the difficulties.  However I have found that I can make the work outs fun for my daughter!  Especially if I am moving around at all.  I can cover my eyes during the up part of squats and then "peek-a-boo" at the bottom.  She loves that. or just hold her during calf raises. You want to really feel those calves burn?  That is the way to go!  Also when I do floor exercises I just let her crawl on me and do the best I can while being used as a jungle gym. Believe me, my body is burning a TON of calories just trying not to kick her to accidentally push her off me.  So its for sure a good thing.  So this is my advice- go into your work outs with a positive attitude, knowing that your baby will probably distract you or make your work out less "effective".  But HAVE FUN!!  Remember, your baby is watching you.  If they see that working out is fun they will want to do it with you and maybe even as they get older they will want to do their own work outs and lead a healthier lifestyle.  So below are some videos to prove that babies can have fun during your work outs too.

I hope you enjoy my tips, but even if you didn't I am pretty sure you can't watch those videos without them at least putting a little smile on your face.  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Work Out 7- Yoga Fix- with pregnancy modifications

DISCLAIMER! I am not a healthcare or fitness professional.  I am a woman who has been pregnant or nursing now for 2 years and has just done lots of research from my doctors and anything that I can find online to try to work out but keep my body and my baby healthy.  These modifications are simply a compilation of that research.  I have modified some exercises, but I did so  just to give others an idea of something that you can do instead.  Feel free to make your own modifications so long as you are keeping your body and baby safe.

YOGA!! Oh my goodness this work out came at the seriously perfect time.  I have been super sore and tired.  This was the PERFECT work out for this time in the week.  It was perfect to help me breathe and stretch and even though it was still hard, I walked away from it feeling nice and calm and energized.  Seriously perfect.

So the thing about this work out is that the poses change and repeat and change again so often it makes it difficult to really write down each work out and the modification.  So what I am writing here are some general rules to follow while doing this work out.

1. Don't stretch too far.  When you're pregnant, you can stretch further than normal, but it still may actually pull muscles and cause injury.  So push yourself, but not too hard.

2. Don't lay flat on your back or flat on your belly.  For these exercises I will either do the same basic motion while sitting, or leaning back against a couch or on my elbows if it is possible.  Just keep stretching and moving and breathing deep.

3.  The last pose, the "corpse pose", just lay on your left side for optimal circulation with knees slightly bent and relaxing and breathing deep.

I hope you all love this work out as much as I did!!  It was the perfect thing to loosen your muscles and relax you.  And bonus- if you have a little one they can sit with you almost the whole time without freaking out because you are ignoring them in order to get your work out on!  At least that was the case for me.  And while I was stretching it was fun to try and get her to stretch and do some of the positions as well.  We both definitely got a kick out of it.

Week 1- How did I do?

This is going to be the post where I write about my feelings for each day of the program.  It is horribly honest, and please know that I am doing my very best!  And please forgive any mistakes that you come to, as I am writing this with my sweet baby on my lap and she is a HUGE distraction.  But I want to get these done and out there so that if anyone else is experiencing what I am they will not feel alone!

Day 1- Tuesday
Today went so well!  I was able to do a really great job with my diet!  Honestly it was hard to get in all of the food that I was supposed to eat and ended the day one green veggie tupperware short of eating all the food.  But hopefully I can keep this up!

Day 2- Wednesday
Today I woke up SO HUNGRY!  All I wanted was some delicious cereal- my go to breakfast normally. I typically eat fairly healthy cereal like Frosted Mini Wheats or Honey Bunches of Oats.  But the problem is that I usually have like 3 bowls of it.  But I fought through and I did a great job on my diet, even despite the fact that I had my hubby's soft ball game to go to during dinner time.  I made a yummy chicken and whole grain pasta "salad" with cooked veggies and a dressing made of lemon juice and olive oil.  It was a little less flavor than I like so I added a little Parmesan cheese and it was good!

Day 3-Thursday
Ok, #realtalk.  I am tired of this healthy food.  I need some cereal.  And some chocolate. and some deliciousness.  I am very tired of veggies.  I feel like there is no way that I can stuff any  more veggies down my throat.  I am pregnant.  I am tired.  I want more food, but not more veggies or healthy stuff.  I want real food.  Commercials are driving me crazy because their food looks so good.  Even TV shows it seems like everyone is eating delicious food and here I am eating nutritious foods and feeling so sad because I want some serious flavor.  Ugh.  Still fighting through.  I did eat a pretty big handful of chocolate covered almonds which I am pretty sure is cheating, but it was worth it.  They were absolutely worth every bite.

Day 4- Friday
Despite being pretty down about my diet, I had to work this day which meant that I had to pack all my food.  Best decision ever because I didn't pack any cheat food.  And I was distracted enough that the food didn't bother me!  Plus I started adding 1/2 a banana and 1 tsp of Peanut Butter into my Shakeology and adding ice so it is ice cream-ish.  HUGE difference!!  DELICIOUS! It is the sweet tooth that I have been searching for!  Definitely Friday was a good day.

Day 5- Saturday
Today started out great.  We were out all morning and I packed my lunch again.  So my options to eat while we were out were honestly fruits, veggies, or Shakeology. So I did great.  Until I went to Sam's Club.  Our traditional lunch at Sam's is for me to order a piece of pizza and my hubby orders a hot dog combo. But I can never finish their massive pizza piece so I always cut it down to a normal size pizza slice and give the other half to the Hubbs.  Well he was STARVING so I knew that his hot dog wouldn't be enough for him so I ordered the pizza.  I didn't eat much, but I ate about half of a normal slice of pizza while feeding my daughter the other half. It was so good and I have no regrets.  Except then my husband suggested that we go to this ice cream place near us that we have both been DYING to try.  We are BIG ice cream fans.  I couldn't turn him down, so we went.  I ordered a small, but it was not a small, it was very large.  I ate about half of it and put the other half in the freezer for the hubby to finish another time.  Needless to say, I kinda failed the whole diet thing today.

Day 6- Sunday
Put simply, Sunday was pretty great!  I did a great job staying on track, enjoyed my shakeology, and because its Sunday and I don't work out on Sundays, I just went on a walk with my sweet family.  It was a wonderful Sunday.

Day 7- Monday
Honestly today was a little shocking.  I went to the doctor to talk about my ultrasound results.  As it turns out I have what is called a velamentous cord insertion.  To put it simply, it means that my baby may not be getting the nutrients that he needs on the inside of the womb.  This could cause a whole lot of complications that I will not go into, but my doctor told me that the most important thing I can be doing is eating a SUPER healthy diet to get as much nutrients to my placenta as possible so my baby can be getting everything that he possibly can.  What a wake up call for me.  I will be eating healthy from here on out, I can promise you that.

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