Friday, July 31, 2015

Cinnamon chips and Fruit salsa!

This Recipe counts as:
1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 tsp (oils), and 2 tsps (coffee section)

Can I just say?  SOO yummy!  I got the basic recipe off the internet and added my own twist and oh my heavens it is seriously delicious! I like to double it and save half of it for the next day. 

WARNING: If your husband is anything like mine, you will need to make a bigger helping.  He said it sounded too healthy for him so he wouldn't like it, but then once it was made and he tried it he ate a TON.  I also think it would be yummy to warm the fruit up a bit next time so I fool myself into thinking its some sort of cobbler.
1 6inch whole wheat tortilla shell
1/2 small apple**
1/2 purple container of frozen strawberries (partially thawed) **
1 tsp of coconut oil
2 tsps of raw sugar (coffee section, max amount for day)
Cinnamon to taste (Free)
Lemon juice to taste (Free)
** You can honestly use whatever fruit you find delicious that day!  
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
  2.  Melt coconut oil in small dish in microwave. Only takes a few seconds!
  3. Mix sugar and cinnamon in a small container. I used the yellow container and it worked well!
  4. Take the tortilla shell and put it on a cutting board. Brush some of the coconut oil onto the tortilla shell until it has a slight coating over the whole shell. Then sprinkle the cinnamon/sugar mixture over the tortilla shell. 
  5. Cut the tortilla into small triangles (chips), and then place on a baking sheet.  I use foil on the baking sheet because it is less cleaning!
  6. Place in the oven for 6 to 8 minutes or until crispy.
  7. While the chips are baking take your partially thawed strawberries and blend them and also dice up your apple into small pieces. Put the diced apples and blended strawberries into a small bowl. Sprinkle over your last teaspoon of sugar and mix. Add Lemon juice to taste. Put the bowl to the side
  8. Once the chips are done, let them cool and then enjoy!

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