Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Work Out 1-Total Body Cardio Fix-with pregnancy modifications

Well I did it!!  It is day 1 of my 21 day fix and so far so good!  I completed the work out and let me tell you- it was great!  I felt like it wasn't too hard, but definitely got me in a good little sweat.  I really enjoyed it!  Below I have compiled a list of all of the exercises that she did and whether or not we can do them with pregnancy. .m, Most of the moves were just fine, and if not you can look to see the modifier and whatever she was doing worked great.  So here it goes in order!

Warm-up  Everything for this was fine!  It got my body loose and I felt ready to go!  If you feel uncomfortable with any of the moves you can just watch the modifier and she has great alternatives that are safe with pregnancy.

Surrenders- Safe with pregnancy, but if uncomfortable watch and follow the modifier.
Side Shuffle- Safe with pregnancy, but if uncomfortable watch and follow the modifier

Wood Chop- Safe with pregnancy, but if uncomfortable watch and follow the modifier
Cross Country Skiers- Safe with pregnancy, but if uncomfortable watch and follow the modifier

Weighted Jog- Safe with pregnancy, but if uncomfortable watch and follow the modifier
Knee Pulls- Safe with pregnancy, but if uncomfortable watch and follow the modifier

Frog Crunches-  I only laid back on my elbows rather than flat on my back and did the leg motion.  However I could see how as baby gets bigger this could be difficult, so use your best judgement and don't hurt yourself!
Oblique Crunches- lay on side with knees bent, and do a slight crunch on each side

Cool Down-  DO NOT LAY ON YOUR BELLY TO STRETCH!  You can stand with arms stretched above your head and lean backwards to stretch your muscles, but please be careful!  Also with the Child's Pose just keep your knees wide and try not to smush baby too much.  All other moves were just fine and safe with pregnancy.

I hope this little summary helps you!  I will be doing one each day for the first week to go with each work out.  So please feel free to ask any questions or add any helpful tips that you have found!

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