Tuesday, July 14, 2015

21 Day Fix- Day Minus 1

Ok so I am doing something that I am a little uncomfortable with, but I am hoping that in addition to keeping me honest with myself, I am able to do this blog to help others become healthier in their lifestyle.  So here it is.  I am days shy of being 20 weeks pregnant.  I am a former collegiate gymnast, a wife, and mother to two, although as mentioned before, one is still in the womb.  While i definitely believe in fitness and living a healthy lifestyle,  I am not very good at carrying out my plans to live healthy. Ice cream is just SO GOOD!! And sometimes I have a lazy day and cereal sounds like the best meal for all three meals.  Last pregnancy I gained a little over 50 lbs, and I really don't want to do that this time.  So I purchased Beachbody's 21 day fix program and became a coach.  In order to be a great coach and to be able to reach as many lives as possible, I feel strongly that I need to try the product and see how it works.  I am going all in.  Before and after pictures, meal planning, everything.  Not something that I have done before, and not something that I am eager to do while pregnant, but here goes nothing.

For the past two days while I figure out the whole Nutritional side of this program, I have started with  two more simple parts of the program.

1. Work outs: I have been doing the easiest versions of the work outs (remember, I had a child 11 months ago and am currently 5 months pregnant, and have not worked out consistently since college, so about 5 years ago.)  So far I have found that the work outs are hard, but honestly I don't sweat too much during them.  That being said, after I'm done my muscles are EXHAUSTED and the next day I am very sore!  So I know that I'm getting good muscle tone going on.

2. Shakeology:  This is supposed to be a yummy, nutritional shake that I drink to help boost my nutrition.  I decided on the chocolate flavor because lets be honest- you can't go wrong with chocolate! Well.. apparently chocolate alone doesn't make this shake something I would call "yummy".  I mean, its fine, I can drink it without gagging. Its just not delicious.  I have been drinking that along with some fruit as my lunch.  I will say that normally around lunch time I take a nap with my little one because I am exhausted!  But today I felt energized after drinking it and actually got some much needed house work done instead!

Ok so now for the good part.  The embarrassing part. Before pictures and measurements.  Yes, I bought into this part even though I am pregnant.  No, I am not looking to drop any weight or even inches (well maybe in my arms and legs if I am toning them up).  I am doing this to see what happens.  I want to see the results, if any, and I want you to see that I am a real person.  I started this pregnancy at about 116 lbs.  I am a thin person.  But what people don't understand is thin is not necessarily fit, nor is it necessarily healthy.  I was neither.  My goal is to be pregnant this time and not gain more than 35 lbs, which is what the doctor recommends.  So here it goes.  I am turning the page to a healthier, more fit life for me and my family.  This new chapter starts first thing tomorrow morning, yes tomorrow, Tuesday. Nobody likes Mondays anyways right?  So here is to fresh start Tuesday.

Here are my measurements in inches:

Chest- 34
Right arm- 10.5
Left arm- 11
Hips- 38
Right thigh- 21
Left thigh- 20.5

Total inches: 166
Current weight: 126

Ok and here are the embarrassing but useful before pictures that I know my family will all make fun of me for.   But I want a free t-shirt and Beachbody gives free t-shirts for before and after photos.  So here are the three "befores" required to qualify me for the shirt.  Please enjoy!

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