21 Day Fix - Pregnancy Modifications


  1. Thank you so much for this! I love 21 day fix and was finding some of the moves hard to do. How exactly do you lean on your couch for the back exercises?

  2. I've been pregnant and gave birth in Singapore with my first kiddo in 2012. So now I have the experience of being pregnant.


  3. or minimize them. In my experience it prevents possible complications during the birth by helping to promote proper contractibility of the uterulearn more

  4. I really appreciate your write and very amazing and important information about the Pregnancy Exercises which have share in this blog.

  5. I am loving 21 day fix workouts as I enter my 18th week of pregnancy with my 3rd baby! I am so happy I found your blog! I also like Autumn's trimester workouts! Did you drink shakeology while pregnant? I have a ton at home and want to drink it, but I have read conflicting things and my OB has no advice either way.



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